Social Security Disability Lawyer
Advocating For Those Seeking Social Security Disability Benefits
Meet Your Attorney, Jennifer Morgan
Impact Disability Law is a boutique law firm that specializes in representing and advocating for disabled claimants seeking benefits under the Social Security Administration. The firm is focused solely on Social Security disability cases and our attorneys are knowledgeable about each step of the process, from application through appeal. Impact Disability Law is based in Denver, Colorado, and represents clients nationwide.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
These benefits may be available to disabled workers and certain disabled family members if the worker has a recent work history of sufficient duration and has paid Social Security taxes. To qualify, the worker must have earned a specified number of work credits. The number of work credits needed to qualify depends on the worker’s age when he or she became disabled. However, younger workers may qualify with fewer credits.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
These benefits may be available to disabled individuals who have little or no income. Generally, SSI is awarded to disabled individuals who have not worked for a sufficient period of time to qualify for other programs, such as SSDI.
Free Assessment
Fill out the form so we can better assess your situation, and we will give you a call to discuss your case in greater detail.